Match the correct case citation to the appropriate legal issues from the dropdown menus.
Please note that not every legal issue has a supporting case citation.

Legal issues Relevant facts Case citations
Invitation to treat Kate's advertisment
Intention to create legal relations Commercial contract
Offer James's letter to Kate  
Counter offer Kate's counter offer terminates James's offer
Consideration Is Kate obliged to keep the offer open for a week? No consideration was not provided by James
Revocation of offer If Kate wishes to revoke her offer, revocation must be communicated before James has accepted
Postal acceptance rule $5000 offer made by post & no other method of acceptance specified. If James posted acceptance on 4 May, contract formed then. James has rights to piano
Breach of contract · Kate selling piano to sister Julie breached contract to James  
Domestic/family arrangement · Family arrangement not legally binding?
Vagueness of terms · Kate/Julie arrangement too vague to be enforceable. How many Saturday nights must kate mind Julie's children