Blockquotes can be useful to highlight sections of text and can also function as a navigation device. Visually, they are obviously separate from the rest of the content and can provide prominent for the information contained within.
The basic blockquote just contains text. The suggested content limit is 450 characters or 80 words.
By default, each blockquote has a margin of space-small applied top and bottom. The first element inside the blockquote has no margin top applied to it. The last element inside has no bottom margin.
This tutorial covers four of the most important aspects in writing a literature review: criteria to use in choosing the best sources, how to structure your literature review, writing in an appropriate style, and maintaining a voice of authority.
<p>Content goes here.</p>
Featuring an image
The image width is 12.25rem (196px). Portrait images are supported but are best used sparingly. At X-Small and Small breakpoints, the image is stacked on top of the text.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare consectetur tellus. Aenean non posuere tortor, pretium accumsan augue.
<blockquote class="complex">
<div class="columns">
<div class="img-wrap"><img src="my-image.jpg" alt="An example image" /></div>
<div class="content"><p>Content goes here</p></div>
Blockquotes as navigation
Blockquotes can be useful to highlight sections of text and can also function as a navigation device. Visually, they are obviously separate from the rest of the content and can provide prominent for the information contained within.
The following pieces are available for use an:
- Category
- Title link (required)
- Description
- Extra information
- Icon
This is a title
This is a blockquote. The suggested limit is XXX characters.
Extra information
<blockquote class="complex">
<a href="mylink">
<div class="content">
<p class="category">Category</p>
<h3>This is a title </h3>
<p>This is the blockquote content.</p>
<small>Extra information</small>
<div class="icon-wrap">
<img src="my-icon.png" alt="" />
It's unlikely (and not recommended) that all of these pieces be used at once. Here are some examples demonstrating suggested use.
Assignment planner
The library has a great assignment planning tool that is easy to use and provides you with step-by-step plan, withs links to lots of resources to help you stay on task.
Understanding an assignment topic
Starting your first assignment
Planning and organising your first assignment may seem daunting to students who are new to academic study. This tutorial gives you an overview of how to analyse the assessment task and plan the assignment.
6 pages / 20 mins
Assignment slammer
This short tutorial walks you through the process of preparing, planning and writing an assignment with quick links to the resources you can use at each stage.
Evaluating market information
Explore these skills in a real world context.